Medical grinding

6companies |6爱游戏ayx守望先锋
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cylindrical grinding
cylindrical grinding

We perform high-precisiongrindingfor indoor, outdoor and plans of steel, iron, light alloys materials with a diameter of 600 mm and a length of 2000 mm. Our rooms are air-conditioned with continuous monitoring of temperature ...

surface grinding
surface grinding

... Discharge Machining (EDM) CNC Lathing / CNC Milling Precision 5-Axis CNC Machining High-precision Aspheric Machining JigGrinding

external cylindrical grinding
external cylindrical grinding

external cylindrical grinding
external cylindrical grinding

Cylindricalgrinding0.3 to 12 mm in diameter CylindricalgrindingworkshopGrindingis necessary whenever the requested tolerance is less than 0.005 mm. Certain components require ...

surface grinding
surface grinding

metal grinding
metal grinding

WHO WE ARE We are a company that is dedicated to produce superior-quality CNC machined and custom metal parts to customer specifications. With a strong focus on continual improvement, we rely only on the best practices to serve our customers ...

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