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Medical grinding
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We perform high-precisiongrindingfor indoor, outdoor and plans of steel, iron, light alloys materials with a diameter of 600 mm and a length of 2000 mm. Our rooms are air-conditioned with continuous monitoring of temperature ...
... Discharge Machining (EDM) CNC Lathing / CNC Milling Precision 5-Axis CNC Machining High-precision Aspheric Machining JigGrinding
Cylindricalgrinding0.3 to 12 mm in diameter CylindricalgrindingworkshopGrindingis necessary whenever the requested tolerance is less than 0.005 mm. Certain components require ...
WHO WE ARE We are a company that is dedicated to produce superior-quality CNC machined and custom metal parts to customer specifications. With a strong focus on continual improvement, we rely only on the best practices to serve our customers ...
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