- Robotics - Automation - Industrial IT>
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- Reception robot
Reception robots
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NAO is the first机器人created by Aldebaran. Famous around the world, NAO is a tremendous programming tool and he has especially become a standard in education and research. NAO is also used as an assistant by companies ...
胡椒is the world’s first social humanoid机器人able to recognize faces and basic human emotions. Pepper was optimized for human interaction and is able to engage with people through conversation and his touch screen. Pepper ...
Jupiter- MobileReceptionServiceRobotApplied in exhibition, event&show, airport, hotel, shopping center, administrator centre etc. Face recognition, voice interaction, welcome and introduction, versatile ...
Alice, a机器人that understand business scénarios The technical planning of public service机器人stakes into account both practicability and technological innovation, so that机器人s...
Your Greeting ServiceRobotBe applied to stations, airports, shopping malls, banks, hospitals, schools, government halls, restaurants and so on. Face récognition, welcomeréception, voice interaction, ...
Commercialrized EducationRobot接待、语音交互、语音控制,介绍,navigation, etc^jl Mainly used in schools, nursing homes, éducation, retail and other occasions to enhance customer ...
RoboThespian is a life sized humanoid机器人designed for human interaction in a public environment. It is fully interactive, multilingual, and user-friendly, making it a perfect device with which to communicate and entertain. Now ...
Engineered Arts Ltd.
... - more entertaining, more interesting, more capable - and more human. Enter Byrun: poised to take the next giant leap for机器人-kind. Byrun has a unique parallel electric-pneumatic design, making him highly energy efficient. ...
Engineered Arts Ltd.
... via a system integration (SI) structure. Based on the positioning technology of AGV, TECO will develop series of mobile机器人s, which can be tailored-made to meet various business needs, and accomplish a more flexible ...
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