•环绕式帽檐就像遮阳板一样,可以遮挡阳光和雨水等室外元素。•悬架坐在较低的头部,以帮助减轻压力,增加安全性。•平滑,易于转动棘轮悬挂。•三层调节优化舒适性。•排气鼓励气流。•安全帽功能附件插槽耳套附件和/或帽子和面罩附件。•3M™UVicator™传感器显示何时因紫外线暴露而更换安全帽舒适的头部保护在促进船员安全方面发挥着至关重要的作用。3M™全檐安全帽为您的员工提供舒适、时尚和安全的完美结合。坚固耐用的外壳和可调节的悬挂系统一起工作,帮助吸收小落体的冲击,并帮助保护工人不撞到固定物体。悬挂在头部的位置较低,有助于减轻压力,增加安全性。 Optional Uvicator™ sensor lets wearer know when to replace hard hat due to UV exposure. Enhanced comfort and fit Featuring a four-point ratchet or pinlock suspension system, these full brim hard hats are adjustable, delivering a comfortable, secure fit that helps reduce discomfort and slippage. Soft brow pads cushion the forehead and are removable for easy replacement. 3M™ UVicator™ Sensor Optional UVicator™ sensor lets wearer know when to replace hard hat due to UV exposure. UV light can cause the hard hat shell to become brittle. When exposed to UV light outdoors, 3M(TM) UVicator(TM) turns from red to white, indicating that the hard hat protection may be compromised and should be replaced.