AF-GSM400-4GY智能网关●它支持串口数据采集的MODBUS RTU协议和与Acrel服务器通过Acrel平台通信协议。●它支持30 MODBUS RTU的数据采集设备。●它支持收购5为每个MODBUS设备寄存器地址字段,每个寄存器地址范围不超过64。●它支持预设报警触发警报地址和报警值为每个网络通讯协议地址范围。目前有14报警地址为每个地址字段。●它支持服务器网络通讯协议或罗拉质朴的传播沟通。●它支持连接数据中心的固定IP和动态域名解析。一般AF-GSM是一种新的4 g Acrel电动发起远程无线数据采集设备。采用嵌入式设计,嵌入式TCP / IP协议栈,以及强大的微处理器芯片内置的监督机构,因此,它有可靠和稳定的性能。操作和显示1。 LINK: two seconds of flashing indicates it is initializing the wireless module; One second of flashing indicates it is connecting the server; Normally on indicates it has been connected to the server. 2. - PSSI: 1 second of flashing signal indicates the value is less than 50%; 0.5 second of flashing signal indicates the value is greater than 50%; Normally on signal indicates the value is greater than 80%. 3. - COMM: it flashes once when there is a pack of data interacting with the download device. 4. - NET: it flashes when there is network data transmission. The interface on one side of AF-GSM300/400 is shown in Figure 1: Power input, terminal mode: DC9~30V RS485 signal input