《GQ》正压风机阶段直接驱动鼓风机阶段(单个和两级)核电站工程的运输过程和冷却气体。流水平的方向。循环油润滑系统。适合连续注水冷却和净化。可在6为正压范围大小PN 6。δp 1500 mbar成为可能。•体积流量:15000 - 100000 m³/ h•正压:2500 mbar (g)•介质:过程、冷却和密封气体GQ过程煤气鼓风机非常适合使用在钢铁厂的压缩过程中,冷却,密封气体。这些风机通常用作两级单位和最极端的挑战。应用领域:1。尤其是在直接还原植物用于输送过程——和冷却气体。 Operating pressure range up to max. pe=2,5 bar where the medium has the corresponding inlet pressure. Max. pressure difference 1100 mbar. 2. Especially used in direct reduction plants for conveying of process- and cooling gas. Operating pressure range up to max. pe=6 bar where the medium has the corresponding inlet pressure. Max. pressure difference 1500 mbar. DESIGN: 1. Housing compression-proof for PN 2,5. Cylinder with noise reducing chamber on the discharge side, housing with connections for water injection - and water flushing, as well as for lubrication - and purge oil supply systems. 2. Housing compression-proof for PN 6 (only GQ 20f20 and GQ 21.21). Cylinder with noise reducing chamber on the discharge side, housing with connections for water injection - and water flushing, as well as for lubrication - and purge oil supply systems.