通用汽车……dz高压鼓风机正压阶段直接驱动鼓风机阶段为无油运输(单一或两级)。独立的循环润滑系统。在不锈钢或作为一种特殊的乙炔助推器按照TRAC标准。δp 2000 mbar成为可能。•体积流量:60 - 6000 m³/ h•正压:25条(g)•介质:空气和中性的气体直接传动通用…从AERZEN dz鼓风机是高性能的机器。1或2舞台设计,独立的高压油润滑的无油运输和压缩空气,中性的气体和气体混合物。高度发达和极其健壮的根类型产品。爱游戏ayx守望先锋在各种特殊材料和海豹,如不锈钢或乙炔助推器根据TRAC规范。 DESIGN Housing with circular flanges and o-ring seals, lube- and purge oil supply by complete oil unit, oil chambers under gas pressure. SHAFT SEALINGS Conveying chamber by combined oil slinger piston ring labyrinth seals with condensate chamber between the piston rings or shaft seal ring - piston ring labyrinth seal. The drive shaft is sealdes via compressed-oil-purged double-acting mechanical seal.