AERZEN拥有最好的机器技术,包括鼓风机、混合动力和涡轮增压。AERsmart,新的智能机器控制,进一步提高他们的性能。AERsmart在各种技术和各自的效率水平之间优化分配气流。最终结果:独立效率水平接近理论最大值。额外节省高达15%。第三方厂商的集成。处理面向需求的负载更改。负荷运行的强烈波动是典型的生物废水处理厂。创新的机器控制AERsmart提供智能组件,将所需的氧气分配到机器池,以便在当前配置允许的情况下高效地执行低、中、重负载。机器特性和效率水平被内置到控制算法中。 In this way, the installed machine pool operates as close as possible to the theoretical maximum efficiency. But that is not all … Autopilot for up to 12 machines. AERsmart takes over the complete control and rules management of a group of compressors, thereby leveraging the enormous potential to save energy that Performance3 can yield by operating various types of machine in combination. Even third-party machines and installations using a single machine technology can be adjusted via this higher level of control. AERsmart can control up to 12 machines in this way to deliver the highest possible efficiency – close to the theoretical maximum. For a new level of efficiency in aeration tanks.