拉力试验机广泛应用于皮带、安全带、正时带、服装、鞋类、橡塑制品、电线电缆、五金、电子电气设备、包装、印刷、医疗器械、汽车零部件、纺织皮革、高等院校;爱游戏ayx守望先锋研究实验室;它是检验仲裁、技术监督部门和许多其他行业进行质量管理和物理检测的基本设备。抗拉强度试验机特点:微机控制整个试验过程,实时动态显示载荷值、位移值、变形量、试验速度及试验曲线。2.整个控制系统安全可靠。3.采用松下伺服电机,横梁上下移动,通过传动测试负载。4. The testing software of the Window, with strong processed capabilities of data and graphics, it can immediate print out a complete testing report and testing curves. 5. Microcomputer for data processing and analysis, testing results can be saved automatically, testing curvers can be transferred out after the test, you can know the testing process through the testing curvers, or compare with others curves, or amplify the curvers. 6. Overload protection, Has limit protection, emergency stop and other safe protective functions.