碳水化合物500是一个低粘度环氧树脂具有优良的浸渍和润湿性质。它是用于治疗碳、玻璃、芳纶和天然纤维。产品的特点是以下属性:——黄——高透明度——低倾向极低收缩在硬化——很好的砂光属性——良好的耐风化- -静态和动态强度高的溶剂500年碳水化合物的生产和维修中使用碳纤维增强塑料(CFRP)和适用于以下处理方法:——手糊法——真空紧迫——湿压修复:1。——使用一个3毫米钻头制造一个洞两端的裂缝。2。从工件——完全删除任何松散碎片。3所示。——使用P120沙子掉受损区域的纹理和10厘米到碳纤维暴露。4所示。——清洁并使用SG-A生态清洁脱脂。 5. - Cut 240 g/m2 carbon fibre twill weave fabric to the right size to fit the damaged area. 6. - Thoroughly mix Carbo 500 resin : Carbo 500 hardener in the ratio 2:1 (weight or volume) until it is completely homogenous. 7. - Stir the mixture for at least 60 seconds. 8. - Apply the Carbo 500 mixture to the carbon fibre fabric using a brush. 9. - Apply the carbon fibre fabric to the damaged area and press it on. 10. - Apply a further layer of the Carbo 500 mixture to the damaged area. 11. - With the aid of a hot-air gun, remove any air bubbles caused by stirring. 12. - Repeat the steps 10. and 11. five or six times. 13. - After approx. 12 hours the repaired area can be subjected to further treatment (drilling, sawing, sanding etc.).