•40年的经验和数以千计的泥浆袋交付。•适用范围从100 m³到7000 m³•适用于各种(混合)泥浆。•灵活的存储放置在任何平面。•同时形成上下密封。•不会破坏景观。•斜坡很容易清空。•KIWA认证。世界各地数以千计的短吻鳄浆袋证明了该存储系统的可靠性。浆液袋可以放置在任何表面。存储高达7000 m³(混合)泥浆是没有问题的。 We supply square or rectangular Alligator slurry bags. Depending on the highest groundwater level, they can be installed partly below surface level. Long lifespan The slurry bag can be emptied easily through creating a steep slope in the bottom. The polyester fabric of the slurry bag has been prepared with a plastic coating. This makes it resistant to many types of slurries, even acidified slurry. The coating is even resistant to UV radiation. This guarantees a long service life. The mechanical forces that occur in the slurry bag during use are easily absorbed by the strong fabric. Based on strength calculations, the primary components such as material, welded seams and fixing points are dimensioned with very generous safety margins. The Alligator slurry bag is KIWA certified. It is fitted with a suction and/or fill line, valves, a spill tank, air vents and a lockable inspection opening as a standard. The supply of mixing equipment with the slurry bag is optional. Various systems are available for this.