应用。带两个液压软管系统的液压扭矩扳手,用于拧紧和松开沉重的螺栓连接。- alkitronic AT液压扭矩扳手从110到72.000 Nm,适用于M14及以上螺纹。-不需要检查:高重复性±3%的相同螺栓工艺。优点-坚固和符合人体工程学:耐磨,符合人体工程学形状的外壳设计,由高强度铝钛合金制成。—简单、轻重量:操作方便、重量轻。只需重新插入方传动从收紧和放松。-耐用和安全:斜角抗扭,高负载一体式设计。先进和可持续的设计,提高了工作安全性。-经济效益高:使用寿命长,紧固可靠,维护费用低。Alkitronic液压扳手是非常有效的,当沉重的螺栓连接与大的螺纹需要用很大的力量拧紧。 They are specifically designed for restricted areas that are difficult to access. Our hydraulic torque wrenches offer a cost efficient option to handle a wide range of bolt tightening. Torque control is achieved by adjustment of the hydraulic oil pressure. The hydraulic torque wrenches cover the entire Newton meter range up to 80,000 Nm. The hydraulic torque wrenches from alkitronic set the standard for almost every bolting situation due to their speed, torque accuracy and flexibility. The hydraulic wrench system of our alkitronic Norwolf x-Drive requires minimum clearance while applying torque on the same plane as the nut, providing a marked improvement over square drive socket wrenches.