底座卷轴通常用于重新定位电缆和线束。这些卷轴是在网络和服务器机架上管理电缆的流行选择。这些电缆撤资器紧凑而轻巧,是设计工程师和OEM需要轻度张力或缩回的OEM的液压解决方案。我们的底座卷轴有金属或塑料。两种类型都使用预应力的电源弹簧(弹奏者)。金属卷轴具有裸露的电缆和线轴,使最终用户可以调节弹簧张力。我们的塑料ML4575系列卷轴具有封闭的案例构造,使弹簧单元在安装时防篡改。两种类型的卷轴具有2英寸x 2-3/8英寸的底座,高度小于7/8”。这些紧凑型弹簧卷轴的力量在0.5磅至2.0磅之间。提供尼龙涂层和未涂层的不锈钢电缆。 Metal Reels - Spool and internal prestressed power spring are stainless steel - Baseplate is zinc plated steel with a nylon cable grommet - Cable is 0.024” stainless steel, 7x3 construction and includes ring terminal - Reels available with 0.5 lb, 1.0 lb, 1.5 lb and 2.0 lb pull force Plastic Reels - Housing, spool and base are plastic (Acetal) - Internal prestressed power spring is stainless steel - Coated cables are 0.018” stainless steel nylon coated to 0.024”, 7x7 construction and include ring terimal - Uncoated cables are 0.032” stainless steel, 7x3 construction and include ring terminal - Reels available with 0.5 lb, 1.0 lb, 1.5 lb, 2.0 lb and 3.0 lb pull force