外壳由钢材制成,经过硬化和抛光。螺纹主轴硬化和抛光。螺杆泵编号。6901-20提供2个带槽螺母。油供应通过螺纹端口。螺杆泵特别适用于操作小型夹具。对于封闭回路,必须考虑以下问题:连接到螺杆泵的液压夹紧元件必须密封。由于在行程运动时夹紧油缸可能泄漏,以及油的可压缩性(在140 bar时为1%),螺杆泵应使用的行程容积仅为70%。可压缩性因油中的空气含量而大大增加。因此,液压系统必须小心地清除空气。 An air bleed screw at the highest position is a necessity. After returing the spindle of the pump, oil must be refilled at this spot. No air pocket should arise in the hydraulic system, which cannot be purged. A precise pressure control is possible by a manometer only. An electric pressure switch enables a pressure monitoring too. A pressure limiting valve is not suitable. Operating the threaded spindle by a torque wrench is possible. However the pressure should also be checked by a gauge. For the built-in version the mounting torque has to be observed.