与叶瓣技术相比,无油螺旋鼓风机ZS平均节省35-40%的能源成本。变频驱动(VSD)技术可以进一步节省成本。我们的ZS系列将阿特拉斯·科普柯值得信赖的螺杆技术与我们的最新创新相结合,为您提供0级认证无油压缩空气。使用我们的即插即用包避免不可预见的成本:一个完整的包,在到达时准备好操作。什么是旋转螺旋鼓风机?输送压缩空气低于1.5 bar(g)的螺杆压缩机被称为(旋转)螺杆鼓风机。因此,螺杆鼓风机的工作原理与旋转式螺杆压缩机相同。旋转螺杆鼓风机用于各种低压应用(废水处理,气力输送,发酵,…)。我们的螺杆式鼓风机通过ISO 8573-1 0级认证,可保护您的关键流程和产品。爱游戏ayx守望先锋螺杆技术的优点是什么? Energy costs can add up to 80% of the lifecycle cost of a blower. Screw blowers are type of positive displacement blowers. The internal compression process of a screw blower results in significantly lower energy consumption as a very limited amount of energy is transferred to heat. That is why screw blowers are an energy-efficient alternative to the classic rotary lobe blower solutions. On average, you can save up to 35-40% compared to lobe or roots style technology by opting for a highly efficient screw blower.