FT-PM锅炉是一种热流发生器,卧式三道,热效率高。先进的燃烧炉,全自动操作。适当使用最广泛的生物质,特别是那些燃烧可以产生炉渣(树皮,森林修剪物,秸秆等)。他们结合了自动进料,除灰和炉渣控制抑制在家庭和分配燃烧空气和再循环气体在三个级别,以提高性能。紧凑的设计,高气体和流体速度,实现高热性能和低膜温。FT-PM锅炉在双螺旋同心线圈中有三个烟道,由收集器连接。凭借50多年的经验和不断的研究,我们开发出了膜温均匀稳定的FT-PM锅炉。这意味着重要的长期加热流体寿命。由于FT-PM锅炉的绝缘体非常厚,密度很高,因此是辐射损失热量最少的锅炉之一。●易打开的盖子,使FT-PM锅炉易于维护。 Standard heat differential of 20 ºC. For other differential temperatures, please contact us. Special models for very high temperatures (400 ºC or thermal fluid in vapor phase). The FT-PM boiler is certified in accordance with The ladder to the upper part in vertical execution is a protective measure for the maintenance staff that is supplied as an option. The FT-PM boiler may be supplied (if ordered) together with the ATTSUTROL electrical cabinet with built in automation for remote control systems.