容器模型是一个移动锅炉房的测量20尺标准海运集装箱或订一个绝缘容器,准备连接和操作。容器配备一个完整的所有元素锅炉房锅炉RL模型包括水处理设备、闪蒸器,所有的室内水、蒸汽、凝结水回收和电气安装和管道。容器内的设施的特点:锅炉RL模型从50到2000 kg / h根据客户需求。水处理设备世贸中心模型适应容器和锅炉模型选择。闪蒸器DF模型根据锅炉安装选择。维度:- - - - - -长度:........宽度6060毫米。- - - - - -:............2440毫米——高:...........从前面2600毫米。检修门(侧燃烧器)双叶片和一张。海洋类型容器准备这样的设施,耐腐蚀,高冲击,负载。壁炉建在不锈钢板着单壁球长大的闪烁和帽子。 Outside driving of the safety valve. Aeration pipes from the boiler and condensate deposit in the water treatment equipment to the outside of the container, constructed with stainless steel tube AISI-316. Stainless steel pipes AISI-316L in various diameters for conducting purging of the boiler feed pumps, general line of steam, condensate return line ... Connecting the overflow from the water treatment equipment to the outside of the container.