CDP+ CDP+是车辆和软件之间的链路。它具有独特的多路复用技术,允许它在任何电压水平和通信标准下使用。对于那些不使用标准16极连接器的车辆,我们提供了一整套经过验证和调整的适配器电缆。CDP+是一种快速可靠的诊断工具,是连接车辆和计算机的纽带。它适用于新旧车辆。只需将CDP+连接到车载诊断插座上,它就可以与安装在PC上的诊断软件进行无线通信。Autocom软件定期更新新的车型和增加的功能。有了CARS,您可以从1988年起为汽车和轻型货车执行特定品牌的诊断。有了TRUCKS,从1995年起,您就可以为轻型和重型商用车、公共汽车和挂车执行特定品牌的诊断。我们的诊断程序GENERIC是为基于立法的诊断而设计的,特别针对与排放相关的故障代码。 GENERIC is included in CARS and TRUCKS. CDP+ and our diagnostic programs are developed and produced in Sweden by AUTOCOM. *FLIGHT RECORDER With the flight recorder function, you can record parameters in real time while you are driving a vehicle. During recording, you can, with a press of a button, highlight the specific error so that you can investigate the detected error at a later time. CDP+ is equipped with built-in memory thus removing the need to bring a computer.