Beamex CENTRiCAL校准台反映了数十年为工业过程工业提供车间校准解决方案的经验的结果。一个标准但可配置的解决方案,结合了易用性,多功能性,人体工程学,并提供了更好的方式在车间执行校准。Beamex CENTRiCAL -所有校准的中心场所。为什么工厂校准?在调试阶段,便于在安装前对车间内所有仪器进行校准。车间条件使校准精度更高。车间为备件和转动备件的校准提供了一个简单的方法。车间工作环境方便、安全。效率,人体工程学,工作方便,还有许多其他的实际原因。校准主机模块,MC6工作站,将您的校准台变成文档校准解决方案。 When you use the bench it with Beamex calibration software (Beamex CMX or Beamex LOGiCAL) you have a fully paperless calibration process. You no longer have to write calibration results on paper, perform manual error calculations or manually type results into software. The whole calibration process is digital and fully paperless, which saves you time and money, improves the quality and reduces the risk of errors.