HI-PACK H960P色素喷墨打印机采用先进gunbody和宝石喷嘴设计,使调制更稳定,减少喷嘴堵塞率。专利技术和智能支持的“自我觉醒”搅拌设计,使色素墨水在良好的条件,并确保稳定可靠印刷甚至在间歇工作周期。介绍1。7英寸彩色液晶触摸屏,使操作更方便。2。地沟检测函数确保一旦出现油墨简化问题,自动关机。3所示。工业设计,不锈钢橱柜和IP55设计。4所示。创新的电磁搅拌设计确保稳定的色素墨水没有降水。 5. New, robust, long-life gear pump tailored for pigmented ink. 6. Special intelligent “self-awakening” agitating function design keeps pigmented ink in excellent condition, and ensures stable and reliable printing even during intermittent work cycles. 7. Excellent Auto-cleaning function: cleaning pump pushes solvent into gunbody to clean it to ensure nozzle and gutter clean, and avoid ink streamline problem when starting jetting next time.