Beltron LED UV积分器是一种高质量的测量设备,用于确定紫外线剂量。在设备的背面有一个紫外线传感器,用于检测LED /紫外线辐射。液晶显示器直接反映测量值毫焦耳每平方厘米(mJ / cm²)。LED UV积分器由位于设备内部的3.6伏锂电池供电。通过使用特别节能的电路,电池可以持续工作约10,000小时。一种特殊的滤光片阻挡了可见光和红外辐射的范围,因此只测量所需的光谱范围。处理:测量,按以下步骤进行:1)按下拨动开关激活LED UV积分器。液晶显示器上显示的辐照值(剂量)为0 mJ / cm²。2.) Turn the LED UV integrator in a position that the sensor faces to the radiation source. Then let the integrator run under the UV source respectively allow it to illuminate for the desired time. 3.) After completion of the exposure, the measuring value is shown on the display e.g. 550 mJ/cm². 4.) After completing the measurement, switch off the device via the toggle switch. When switching on again, the LED UV integrator is reset to "zero" for the next measurement. Please note that the housing temperature must not exceed 110 ° for 10 seconds!