MINK MP 0400 - 0960 AV MINK MP真空模块专为高吸力容量,干压缩和高可靠性要求的操作而设计。它们由两个或三个经过验证的水貂爪真空泵并联连接。该泵以非接触方式运行,因此在压缩过程中不需要油或水等操作流体。模块化设计由于模块化设计,Mink MP真空模块可以适应客户的需求。由于是非接触式压缩,压缩腔内无摩擦,也无泵运行引起的磨损。由于与其他真空原理相比,效率高,可以节省大量能源。减少维护工作,最大限度地减少停机时间和磨损部件和操作液的成本。两到三台Mink爪式真空泵并联连接。在每个泵中,两个爪在壳体中以相反的方向旋转。由于爪的特殊几何形状,吸入的空气在真空泵内部被压缩。 Air is sucked in via the inlet flange, compressed in the compression chamber and expelled again on the pressure side. The non-return valve is integrated into the suction pipe as standard. This prevents ventilation of the recipient through the pumps when turning the pumps off. The Mink claw vacuum pumps are powered by standard motors. A synchronization gearbox ensures exact synchronization of both claws.