堪培拉Sage™井探测器在低能量和高能量下结合了出色的能量分辨率,对小样品的最大效率结合了效率。像传统的井探测器一样,鼠尾草井也用盲孔制成,在井底留下至少20毫米的活跃探测器厚度。因此,计数几何形状接近4p。The low detector capacitance associated with the small anode technology (similar to what is used on CANBERRA’s BEGe detectors) gives the SAGe Well superior low and medium-energy resolution performance compared to Traditional Well or Coaxial Detectors, as well as excellent resolution for higher energy gamma rays. Furthermore, the detector is manufactured with an aspect ratio of a coaxial detector to allow excellent efficiency performance for standard laboratory geometries such as Marinelli beakers or other large sample containers. The result is a versatile detector that can deliver reductions in count time, through improvements in Minimum Detectable Concentration/Activity (MDC/MDA), for a range of sample sizes and geometries counted inside the well, on the end cap or in Marinelli beakers. The thin lithium (approximately 50 µm) diffused contact inside the well, combined with a thin-walled aluminum insert in the detector end cap (0.5 mm on the sides and a 1 mm thick bottom) provide a good low-energy response, allowing spectroscopy down to 20 keV. The contact on the outer surface of the detector is approximately 0.5 mm thick, similar to what is used on Standard Electrode Germanium (SEGe) coaxial detectors. Therefore, the useful energy range for sources outside of the well is limited to 40 keV and up.