所以是高端无人机系统产生的两个行业之间的联盟领导人在各自的领域。它的科学设计和高度集成的生产技术来自CHCNAV -全球制造商专业高效的地理空间测量技术——从收及其完全自动飞行控制系统,商业无人机的制造业的先锋。主要特点:1)一个先进的现代平台:2分钟的飞行准备。所以无人机是专门为专业的工业应用。预装的胳膊和天线的模块化设计减少了设置所需的时间,使平台准备使用在短短2分钟2)高容量:7公斤有效载荷。激光雷达的重量是一个约束的无人驾驶飞机。无人机需要提升整个负载,如果不是,没有数据采集是可能的!所以可以随身携带我们的CHCNAV扫描仪不同DSRL相机。三维摄影测量与斜摄像系统是可能的。用户还可以安装多光谱相机。 3) Survey-grade Accuracy:1 cm +1 ppm RTK accuracy. The BB4 is equipped with dual DJI A3 IMUs and GNSS units that work together with CHCNAV's advanced positioning solution, consisting of a high-end GNSS receiver and an industry-leading IMU to meet the high accuracy requirements of the surveying and mapping industry. 4) Intelligent and flight-simplified operation: BB4 operated by DJI Ground Station Pro. Enhance the BB4's operation with the DJI GS Pro application. Conduct automated flight missions, manage flight data in the cloud, and collaborate across projects to efficiently manage your drone workflow.