克莱姆科阿波罗系列供风呼吸器是安全,舒适和性能的标志。阿波罗600口罩明亮的红橙色很容易辨认,在工作现场很容易看到。他们的大跨度窗户为佩戴者提供了一个居高临下的工作表面和宽范围的周边视野。600有新的特点,使其穿着舒适,更容易维护,更耐用,承诺使用寿命长。阿波罗600是带有两个可调悬挂选项的单壳头盔。DLX舒适适合悬挂(2个尺寸)环绕操作员头部与舒适的填充物。可调腹板悬挂适合头部尺寸6.5至8。可调下巴带保持头盔的位置上的操作员的头。-两个暂停选项:网型或DLX舒适型-携带或悬挂头盔的整体带-可更换的入口配件, an area of the helmet assembly subject to high-stress when the user carries the helmet by the breathing tube - a deep window frame that extends over the cape attachment area to prevent cape wear from rebounding abrasive - a molded window gasket that securely grips the inner lens and prevents media ingress - a three-lens system with outermost perforated tear-away lenses to speed the way to clear vision during the blast operation and an - intermediate lens to provide additional sealing and to protect the durable fixed inner lens from premature wear - an integral visor that extends over the tops of the installed lenses to prevent media from lodging between the lenses - a silver-grey cape that reflects the sun’s hot rays