Combijet JE80-800电动超高压水爆破器(800 bar)旨在在许多重型行业中使用,包括建筑,海洋,采矿,航空,能源和石油和油气。它的清洁应用包括多功能爆破;绘画的表面准备;去除油漆,清漆和生锈;从机场跑道上拆除橡胶;从橡胶加工行业内的管,管道,热交换器,反应堆和水箱中除去乳胶,SBR和产品残留物;清洁沉积物,去除金属氧化,铸造厂中的陶瓷和沙核材料;燃油胶囊,跳过,试管和设备的爆破和去污以及爆破变压器以去除电站中的化学/酸沉积物;甚至消除了排水管,管道和新容器的磨尺,焊接炉渣和生锈。JE80-800也可用于爆破施工位点上的金属表面(脚手架,支撑贝德,结构,管道,鼓); the cleaning and blasting of ready-mix concrete vehicles, tanks and silos; the removal of tough and non-water soluble dirt off marine vessels; as well as the hydroblasting of vessels (hulls and cargo holds) and steel structures and surfaces at shipyards; the blasting of oil rig structures and runways; and the cleaning and blasting of a range of equipment within oil & gas facilities. The JE80-800 is equipped with a range of key features including an easy to use control panel; stainless steel SS316 water tank and electric box