细胞保险杠 /缓冲液细胞保险杠 /缓冲液的特征是高能量吸收长度长。这会导致最终压力和良好的迟钝值。细胞缓冲液由具有高结构耐药性的细胞聚氨酯弹性体制成。它们的主质量是体积可压缩性,这是负载量期间其相对较低的横向扩展的原因。细胞缓冲液对脂肪族碳氢化合物具有抗性,例如油和油脂,也可以抗老化。因此,可以将一般阻力假定为技术应用。细胞缓冲液对强酸和浸出不抗性。工作温度在–20°C和 +80°C之间。通常,仅根据要求提供和提供特殊类型。如果将蜂窝缓冲液安装在3 m高的高度上,则必须通过安装安全绳来固定。 Material of the cellular body Standard quality - Cellular Polyurethane Elastomer with volumetric weight 0.53 g/cm³ Special quality - For dynamic load and high elasticity - Special volumetric weight 0.35 g/cm³ (soft) to 0.65 g/cm³ (hard) Due to their excellent properties of energy absorption the cellular buffer Programme is a suitable complement to the rubber buffer Programme. Their volume compressibility allows long compression lengths, which allows very good retardation values.