自我调节真空泵(气动真空和排污控制),GVMAXNK14P2系列两大因素之间的通信,气动真空开关和扣人心弦的阀控制允许监管和压缩空气的消耗显著降低。这个范围内的真空泵是扣人心弦的密封产品,强烈建议持有和中型或长时间周期在爆炸性环境中。爱游戏ayx守望先锋气动控制排污集成发布。演示。喷嘴Ø:2.5毫米。最大真空:85%。抽吸流量:200 Nl /分钟。集成真空调节器。2气动真空开关工作原理当达到所选择的真空水平时,压缩空气供应停止。这个中断没有任何影响在操作过程中不能回转阀保持真空,从而控制。 The vacuum switch continually analyzes the vacuum requirements. As soon as the minimum threshold is reached, it activates the vacuum generation valve. The chosen level of vacuum is immediately re-established. Safety The GVMAX P1 has two non-return valve functions installed as standard which enables it to maintain the vacuum within the circuit if the pneumatic power is interrupted. This function guarantees maximum safety conditions for operators during handling.