如果您正在寻找一个平台秤来执行高速单检称重,您将对A&Ds FS-i系列感兴趣。不再对反应缓慢、难以决定、效率低下的支票称重感到沮丧。FS-i系列在0.5秒内进行称重,并通过大而明亮的三色灯帮助您做出即时和正确的比较器判断。现在操作迅速、平稳,像日出一样可靠。FS-i系列配备了各种功能,使您的工作尽可能轻松。例如,它可以为那些经常更改设置的人存储多达100个比较器设置。简化的操作模式,防止错误和意外的变化,以限制操作员的最低要求的键设置。当体重达到目标范围时,秤可以自动进行脱皮。这种自动称重功能也可以方便地进行外带检查称重,您可以通过从容器中取出来重复测量目标数量。作为选项提供的是SLA可充电电池(价格约为100美元)。 80 hours of operation), and serial (either RS-232C or RS-422/485) with relay output interfaces. High-speed weighing coupled with a refresh rate of 20 times/second allows fast data acquisition via these serial interfaces. There are three models with capacities of 6, 15, and 30 kg, each with three selectable resolutions (1/3000 to 1/12000 or 1/15000). All models have a stainless steel (SUS304) body and are IP65-compliant and NSF-certified. The display unit can also be purchased separately as an indicator (FS-D) Please see the product catalog for further details.