通用测试设备适用于实验室和测试工程中的各种测量和自动化任务。热电偶、rtd等传感器可直接连接。电气交流/直流值也可以获得与通用测试设备。集成的信号调节使得测量传感器变得不必要。所有模拟输入均可通用。每个模拟输入可以连接热电偶,RTD或电压和电流信号。模拟输入彼此之间以及电源之间的电隔离确保了安全的测量数据采集。电隔离还可以防止通过非隔离传感器产生接地回路或短路。开关和模拟输出通过通用测试设备实现测试过程的自动化。该通用测试设备可以独立安全地存储测量和控制数据,无需PC机支持,通过其集成高达14gb的数据内存。 The universal testing device is therefore particularly suited to testing systems for electrical products such as bulbs, lamps, kitchen equipment, in-built kitchen appliances and electrical tools. The intuitive ProfiSignal software is included with delivery of the universal testing device. It can immediately be used for measurement and testing tasks. Benefits with Delphin products Directly operable from desktop via integrated network interfaces Compact design in a 19“ tabletop housing Differential and galvanic isolation of inputs Universal analog inputs (mV, mA, thermocouple and RTD)