工业企业在日常经营中不断面临新的挑战。制造能力需要更加灵活和适应性,以满足不断变化的需求。传统的开关设备通常很难跟上。DOLD POWERSWITCH系列的智能ph9270固态继电器是理想的解决方案。无论您需要电流监控、负载控制还是模拟激活,都可以最佳地满足自定义需求。一旦安装完毕,该设备几乎永远处于活动状态。定期更换设备——既费时又费钱——在未来可以消除。PH 9270因其无磨损和低噪音的开关操作而脱颖而出,它能够安全可靠地承受重复负载和高温。该设备是现成的,允许它安装迅速和容易;它也可以直接插在你的机器上。 The PH 9270 solid state relay has two thyristors connected in reverse parallel, allowing it to function as a zero voltage switch. The DCB technology (direct copper bonding process) provides very good thermal transfer, making very high load currents possible. In addition, the device can be installed directly on existing cooling surfaces. It is available as a solid state contactor with an appropriately dimensioned heat sink and can easily be snapped onto a top hat rail. A colorful LED display signals the status of the control input.