PETG,耐用,易于使用的灯丝,通常用于吹塑像医疗括号、瓶子、标识和其他耐用的塑料制品。爱游戏ayx守望先锋乙二醇改性剂添加到聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯有助于提高灯丝的耐用性和印刷适性。因为它可以FDA认证和耐化学,PETG可用于模具从医疗设备到水瓶不增加任何安全担忧的原因。对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯聚酯家族还包括一个不太知名,还glycol-modified共聚酯,PCTG。PCTG是分子结构类似于应用程序和PETG。然而,PCTG更高的耐化学性,更大范围的熔化温度,增加耐用性。这些品质使PCTG容易使用,同时也提供相同的安全性和可回收性PETG。PCTG与众不同的是其优越的悬臂梁式冲击阻力。这意味着它可以承受更高的影响比类似的纤维,同时保持类似的抗拉强度和耐热性。虽然PETG仍受厂商的欢迎,考虑使用PCTG尝试类似的输出。 PCTG is an excellent material for makers looking for a tough, easy-to-print and affordable filament.PCT Gmaterialplastic bottle is usually used for water packaging because of its BPA free, food grade, and heat resistance feature.PCTG sports water bottle,this PCTG sports water bottle made by blow molding. This extrusion blow molding machine is special designed for PETG,PCTG blow molding. whatever if the bottle with handle or not, small or big as 10L capacity, transparent or colored, this blow molding machine is available.