灰尘免费®活跃空气净化器是一种紧凑、风管送风,空气净化器,是有效减少灰尘、皮屑,气味MS-2噬菌体病毒,使其失去活性。设计为易于安装中央空调系统。室内空气品质的技术。活跃的空气净化技术,杀菌紫外线和电离,提供一个全面的室内空气品质解决方案。臭氧是免费的。满足和超越UL 2998没有臭氧标准。碳水化合物认证。实验室测试。实验室测试和有效对抗MS-2噬菌体病毒。可靠性。 Expanded range (20V-32V) ballast and 3000V surge protection for increased electrical reliability. Ion Production. Innovative carbon fiber brushes increase ion production. Improves Existing Filtration. Reduces particulate matter such as dust and dander by improving the performance of your existing filtration system. Residential and commercial use. Sizing recommendations for systems up to 60 tons. IAQ Expandable. Includes an auxiliary power port to easily install an additional 24V germicidal UV-C light to any HVAC system. Safety. Integrated safety interlock switch prevents unit operation when not installed.