欧共体感觉二氧化氮ES1气体传感器是一种固体聚合物电化学气体传感器具有长寿命和鲁棒性。此外,它不消耗任何权力。此外,它有一个小的足迹。NO2气体传感器响应二氧化氮气体检测在许多不同的应用程序是必要的。结合电子商务智能数字板,它允许轻松集成传感器校准的乏味的工作。技术原理是什么?固体聚合物电解技术是一项革命性的创新领域的电化学检测。这项技术在本质上是基于电化学催化反应的原则。一般来说传感器对目标气体和交付一个很小的电流信号,通常是与气体浓度成正比。通常,电化学传感器是使用液体或凝胶电解液导致的挑战在传感器的操作。 The EC Sense solid polymer electrochemical sensors overcome these obstacles. How does the Technology work? EC Sense’s solid polymer sensors feature a composition of three electrodes in contact with the electrolyte. A typical electrode consists of a large surface area of precious metal and other materials. The electrode, electrolyte and the surrounding air are in contact while the gas diffuses through the back of the porous membrane into the working electrode of the sensor. At this electrode, the gas is oxidized or reduced. This electrochemical reaction causes a current to flow through the external circuit.