外壳玻璃纤维增强聚酰胺(PA)技术聚合物,黑色,磨砂表面。霉菌纺锤体。Bezel技术聚合物。在窗户上模制。窗户透明聚酰胺(PA-T)技术聚合物(实际上是牢不可破的)。对溶剂,油,油脂和其他化学剂的耐药性(在清洁操作过程中避免与酒精接触)。拨号天然哑光阳极氧化铝。顺时针或逆时针毕业,黑色。读取五位数辊柜台(四个黑色卷和一个红色卷)和一个红色指针,该指针打开了渐变表盘。红色卷的数字显示了小数值,而指针表示百分之一。 The display indicates the displacement of the mechanism controlled by the spindle from the start position (0). One complete turn of the machine spindle corresponds to a turn of the handwheel/knob and consequently to a turn of the red pointer. A turn of the red pointer corresponds to a determinate reading on the counter (see “reading on the counter after one revolution of the red pointer” in the table). IP PROTECTION The ultrasonic welding of the window to the case guarantees the complete sealing with IP 65 protection class, see table IEC 529 (on page A-19). FEATURES AND APPLICATIONS Digital-analogue positive drive indicators are suitable with spindles in any position. To choose the handwheel see the table “Handwheels/knobs - possible assembly with indicators” (on page 463). SPECIAL EXECUTIONS ON REQUEST - No pointer - Plain dial - Special dial with logo or customised graduations - Special readings after one revolution.