标准执行 - VCTK:高弹性聚丙烯(PP)技术聚合物中的旋钮。定子和转子镀铬合金。闩锁凸轮,螺丝和洗衣机镀锌钢。弹簧洗衣机在镀锌钢中。M22x1.5镀锌钢中的螺母。铝中的距离元素。-VCMK-SST:AISI 304不锈钢旋钮,砂光磨砂饰面。AISI 303不锈钢中的定子和转子。AISI 304L不锈钢中的闩锁凸轮。弹簧洗衣机在不锈钢中。 M22X1.5 nut in stainless steel. Distance element in AISI 303 stainless steel. Screw and washer in stainless steel. PACKING RING NBR synthetic rubber. FEATURES AND APPLICATIONS Latch cams of VCTK. VCMK. have a pulling-in range of 10mm. Locking is achieved by turning the knob clockwise. The internal O-ring prevents the ingress of water. ACCESSORIES ON REQUEST Sheet metal puncher GN 123 (see page 1403). ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Drill a hole in the door as per the drilling template drawing with the axis at a distance of 23 mm from the door frame. 2. Insert frontally the latch body in the hole of the door and screw on the threaded nut. 3. Insert the distance element and the cam by fitting it with the screw