结构紧凑,重量轻的多端口阀门特点-通过最小化的组件和工艺渗透,为多个仪器安装节省成本,减少可能的泄漏点。-紧凑的设计使空间需求最小化;低重量提高了连接强度,减少了规距。长阀体选项允许高达4“(102毫米)管道绝缘。-可更换软阀座,可在脏环境中使用,具有重复的无气泡关闭功能。-无需从管道上拆卸阀门,即可重新铺设可修复的金属阀座。-球形端杆消除阀座磨损,提供无气泡关闭和长寿命。硬化,非旋转球确保完美的对齐关闭。-螺纹下面的填料可防止润滑油冲蚀、螺纹腐蚀、工艺污染和消除磨损。-易于调节填料,减少更换停机时间,延长阀门寿命。 -Safety back seating prevents stem blowout or accidental removal and provides a metal-to-metal secondary stem seal while in the fully open position. -ENC plated 316 SS prevents galling or freezing of stem threads. -Rolled stem, bonnet and male NPT threads provide additional strength. -Mirror stem finish in the packing area enables smooth operation and extends packing life.