QAL1 FORWARD SCATTER PARTICULATE CEM QAL1 Approved ProScatter™ particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement of low dust concentrations from dry industrial processes FEATURES & BENEFITS - Robust design with no critical moving parts - Available for use in high-temperature stack conditions and Ex hazardous zones - Easy to fit multi-patterned flange - Adjustable monitoring depth to ensure sampling in the most representative part of the flow path - Enhanced measurement due to reduced cross sensitivity to particle type and size - ProScatter® technology offers enhanced measurement due to reduced cross-sensitivity of particle type and size - Easily audited with manual filters MAIN APPLICATIONS - Stacks after bag filters, cartridge filters, cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, no filtration - Non-condensing / dry flue gases Typical Applications: - Incineration - Metals (eg Steel/Aluminium) - Minerals (eg Cement/Gypsum) - Chemicals (eg TiO2 / Refinery) - Power Generation Plant (eg Coal/Biomass)