DM 170设计符合TÜV对EN 15267的适用性测试方案,并用于测量广泛的工业应用中的粉尘浓度。特点与优点- ProScatter™反向散射传感器技术与传统技术相比,具有卓越的最低检测低至1mg/m³-手动和远程零点和间隔(参考)检查,可确保最佳仪器性能-吹扫流量故障传感器和光学屏蔽选项-提供更可靠的PM粉尘测量,作为不透明度和闪烁为基础的排放监测仪的替代方案,以mg/m³报告,并提供粉尘增加的早期指示排放in processes with low dust concentrations - Non-intrusive system designed to operate in noncondensing stack environments and to reduce the risk of contamination - Contamination risks are further reduced due to singleside stack installation where critical optical components remain outside the stack - A Flue Gas Blocker can be fitted to ensure that flue gases do not escape when the unit is opened (for auditing/maintenance purposes), thus enhancing on-site personnel safety MAIN APPLICATIONS The DM 170 is well-suited for use in medium to large stacks and is suitable for low to high dust concentration measurements, regardless of dust velocity or charge. Typical applications include: - Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) relative to Emission Limit Values (ELV) in Power Plant, Boiler and Metal Smelting applications - Filter performance monitoring in Metal, Mineral and Chemical plants