EXAIR 9104型数字式声级计是一个易于使用的工具,这个工具可以测量和监控的声音在各种工业环境的压力水平。它配有可拆卸挡风板,电池,和一个防护情况。认证的准确性和校准可追溯到国家标准(国家标准与技术研究院)是包括在内。即使你的新的数字式声级计校准NIST(国家标准与技术研究院)标准,随着时间的推移,其准确性将开始下降。建议人们应该调整你的数字式声级计。EXAIR能够执行此校准,以确保你的数字式声级计维护NIST标准!贵公司目前使用排污产品类似于EXAIR的你想我们评估?船到实验室EXAIR效率!我们的合格员工将免费对其进行测试,使用EXAIR的校准测试设备。我们将比较现有产品的性能(空气消耗量、有效性、噪音水平、效率等)与EXAIR智能压缩空气®产品。爱游戏ayx守望先锋 The results will be published in a comprehensive report that includes a cost savings analysis. For most applications, EXAIR products can help you improve your efficiency AND typically pay for themselves in a matter of weeks. To participate in our Efficiency Lab testing, please complete this Product Efficiency Survey to give us the details about your current application and blowoff set up. You can also feel free to contact an Application Engineer for more information at (800) 903-9247 or (513) 671-3322.