FEEJOY电容点水平传感器相比,广泛使用振动叉电平开关需要确保一个相当大的一部分插入物质来衡量。因为粘性材料很容易坚持这些叉子,通常会引起测量误差。粗颗粒状玉米等媒体很容易堆积在音叉的身体之间,和测量误差也会发生。此外,音叉不仅难以清洁而且不同物质,如液体和粉末必须使用不同的音叉结构。电容点电平开关时的水平检测液体或干燥的材料已达到一个预先确定的水平。作为联系媒体达到水平,打开或关闭并发送输出警报,泵、PLC、或其他控制设备。电容点水平传感器提供了出色的警报级别,监控,和容易控制。传感器探头是由批准特殊塑料PEEK,只有扩展15毫米的内部过程。因此,物质流的阻塞或阴影干扰引起的传感器是完全消除。传感器启动和操作也同样简单。 All media can be set before the factory for analog configuration. If the user needs extended functions such as media separation or PWM, then the software can be used to easily configure At present, many industrial facilities use automated systems for online monitoring throughout the day. In industrial processing, it is often necessary to detect the filling level of liquids and bulk materials, including trains and ships that need to control storage tanks and hydraulic machinery.