1.侧装浮子液位开关采用液体浮力原理。当浮子因浮力而上下移动时,接线盒中的簧片开关受到臂端磁铁的影响。由于结构灵活,温度压力范围更广,完全可以取代UQK系列产品。爱游戏ayx守望先锋2.特点:压力可达50kg/cm²,适用比重为0.25~0.65。适用于各种液体。可安装侧装和顶装两种方式,接线盒防护等级为IP-65。连接法兰有92×92、JIS、DIN、ANSI等规格;端口有1-1/2,2”PT, BSP或客户指定的规格。 Provide explosion-proof and corrosion-resistant versions. A variety of materials and connection methods can meet the needs of different environments. 3. Application This controller is suitable for the control of the opening or the liquid level in the pressure vessel in the industrial process, and is widely used in water treatment, petrochemical, boiler, ship and other industries.