1/2“POWERTWIST Ground Round是一种基于POWERTWIST的圆形皮带,具有极大的灵活性,是传统圆形皮带的永久升级。POWERTWIST Ground Round由高性能聚酯/聚氨酯复合材料组成,可以手工制成任何长度。它可以传递高马力,同时表现出低拉伸。最适合:几乎任何系统目前使用圆形皮革,橡胶或聚氨酯皮带,将受益于POWERTWIST地面圆的便利性和性能是你的答案!老缠着老式的圆形皮带?对圆形橡胶感到沮丧?或者厌倦了焊接聚氨酯?POWERTWIST地面回合是毫不费力的升级!具有圆形轮廓,这款POWERTWIST v型皮带将直接落入您现有的设备。其极端的灵活性使其非常适合使用小滑轮/惰轮直径。 • Replaces round profile rubber, polyurethane, and leather belts • High performance composite polyester/polyurethane material No tools required. No matter what equipment you are operating, productivity is critical. POWERTWIST Ground Round minimizes downtime with no tools required and has easy installation in minutes without machine tear-downs or struggling with rusted-down motor bases. Single or matched round belt sets can be made with a flick of the wrist! POWERTWIST Ground Round can be made up to required length by hand in seconds and rolled onto the drive just like a bicycle chain. Their custom multi-ply composite construction prevents roll-on damage.