1.-烹饪至140°C-煎3。-炖4。-糖果5。-在水或其他液体中煮/烫至100°C。-蒸至100°C-根据F100和F71算法计算,在100°C下进行灭菌/巴氏杀菌8。-消毒/巴氏杀菌至100°C,手动设置时间和température参数。理想的生产:番茄酱,去皮的西红柿,蔬菜在油和腌渍,酱汁,肉酱,炒蔬菜,调味品,果酱,果酱,果冻,糖浆,果汁和任何需要这些过程。 It is the ideal system for those looking for a single system to obtain a packaged and ready-to-sell food product from the raw material. Built entirely in stainless steel, it is functional and intuitive; its build quality meets the very high standards that have always been imposed in Frigojollinox. It has been developed to offer small and medium-sized enterprises an all in one system with which to set up an entire laboratory of agri-food preserves. The JOLLYCHEF is equipped with a tank that work totally autonomously and automatically. The tank allows you to cook with almost all possible methods, to sterilize food products, based on fruits or vegetables, as long as they are packaged in suitable food containers and to steam, and cook in water or other liquid up to 100°C.