收到货物后,请仔细拆开开关设备,检查是否有运输损坏。如果您确定有任何损坏,请立即报告并注明承运人。开箱后,请清洗开关设备和附件,清除包装材料上的任何污染物,并在安装前防止潮湿和污染。运输时,开关装置只放在机架上,不接触接触叶片等。投入使用前,应彻底清洗开关和执行器元件,清除灰尘和安装屑,并用干净的干布擦拭所有绝缘部件。这些开关设计用于符合EN 62271-1“- 5室内”标准的正常工作条件。马克斯。环境温度为40℃;24小时内的平均值为最大值。35°C。 The values on insulation strength are related to sea level. For altitudes of up to 1000 m any reduction in insulation caused by the reduced insulating property of the air is insignificant and can be ignored. For installation at altitudes above 1000 m it is necessary to correct the values given for the rated powerfrequency withstand voltage and the rated lightning impulse withstand voltage according to DIN EN 62271-1