或某些配置,工艺流体产生氢原子,可以通过金属膜片扩散。与此扩散相关的油的污染降低了发射机的测量精度和寿命。由于我们独特的黄金和陶瓷双重涂层隔膜,氢气的渗透停止。氢压力传感器有许多不同的应用。常见用途包括燃料电池、气体监测和汽车。氢气压力传感器对于这些应用来说是必不可少的,因为它们测量氢气的压力。需要来自压力传感器的可靠信息来确保系统正常工作,并防止出现严重问题。氢既用于航天飞机火箭燃料,也用于氢动力汽车。氢可以通过氢燃料电池来发电或供热。当氢气与氧气燃烧产生水时,氢气还有助于减少二氧化碳的排放。 Hydrogen is regularly used in the chemical industry. Hydrogen can be used to make ammonia for fertiliser and also to make methanol for cars. Hydrogen is also used by the oil industry to reduce the viscosity of crude oil during transportation. Hydrogen is used in the manufacture of steel, notably by the "basic" process. Hydrogen gas is also used in the processing of nickel metal to form Niadrohydroxide, a catalyst used to produce the high purity nickel required by the Mond process. Hydrogen is also commonly used in hydrogenation, for example to convert vegetable oils into margarine and to produce methanol, hydrocarbons and more complex chemicals.