倾斜铲斗(双闸板)使用Geith倾斜铲斗增加挖掘机的适应性和生产力,从标准的开沟和分级到回填和轻型材料装载和搬运,提供了成本效益和持久的解决方案。斜坡整理、土地清理、废物处理。分级说明。•范围从2吨到29吨。•最佳的关键布局提供90度倾斜(每个方向45度)。•两个重型液压缸,硬化杆,具有出色的保持力。•防溢油和保护缸杆和软管配件• Fitted with Flow Control Valves for easy adjustment of tilting speed to suit customer working preferences (for excavators bigger than 11 tons) • Reversible bolt-on cutting edge, heavy duty cast banana side cutters and wear pads as standard to ensure that the customer achieves the highest productivity by increasing the life of the bucket • Centre web plate provides increased bucket strength • Corrosion resistant high tensile pivot pins and hard inserts are used to ensure low maintenance and maximum performance • Dual mechanical stops to extend cylinder life