使用X-TILT,您可以提高整个调查的准确性,因为它允许您计算GNSS或TPS极点的倾角。由于主屏幕上的电子气泡,您可以始终监控您的倾斜状态。此外,当极点不垂直时,从GNSS接收的位置不被存储。只需按下测量按钮,然后找到杆的垂直位置。X-TILT还允许您调查不可接近的点,如墙角。X-TILT是X-PAD Ultimate的最新功能之一,GeoMax现场软件简化了工作流程,实现了最高效率。X-PAD Ultimate在安卓系统上运行,有两种定制版本:一种面向测量师,另一种面向建筑专业人士。X-PAD与世界各地的关键用户密切合作,不断更新,以保持清晰的结构,简单的工作流程和高功能的完美结合。X-PAD Ultimate是唯一免费提供软件维护(bug修复)的软件。X-PAD终极测量仪您是一个寻找易用性和灵活性的测量专业人士吗? X-PAD Ultimate Survey is the best solution for all design survey, property survey, and layout needs. X-PAD Ultimate Build X-PAD Ultimate Build is the ideal solution for all your construction measuring and layout needs. It combines data collection from TPS and GNSS, allowing you to perform the measurement, stakeout and as-built with simple and functional procedures. To use X-PAD Build you don’t need to be a surveyor; all procedures are guided and can be used by those who use this type of equipment for the first time.