光纤激光切割机带更换台。外壳设计。IPG / nLIGHT 1500W 2500W光纤激光发生器。切割最大10mm不锈钢,20mm软钢。采用双齿轮齿条闭环系统和倍福控制器,高速切削时加工精度高,工作效率高。型号:GF-1530JH (GF-1540JH / GF-1560JH / GF-2040JH / GF-2060JH可选)激光源:IPG / n光纤激光发生器激光功率:1500w 2500w (1000w、1200w、2000w、3000w可选)激光头:Raytools或Precitec数控控制器:Cypcut或Beckhoff控制器切割面积:1.5m × 3m、1.5m × 4m、1.5m × 6m、2.0m × 4.0m、2.0m × 6m。最大切割厚度:20mm CS, 10mm SS, 8mm铝,8mm黄铜,6mm铜和6mm镀锌钢。适用行业:钣金加工、电梯、电柜等。BECKHOFF数控控制系统结合TwinCAT自动化软件提供的运动控制解决方案,倍福驱动技术代表了先进和完整的驱动系统。 2. PC-based control technology from Beckhoff is ideally suited for single and multiple axis positioning tasks with highly dynamic requirements. 3. High-precision photoelectric sensors and mechanical travel switches are installed on all the moving parts of the machine, which can capture every movement moment, and control machine act instantly. 4. System signal transmission without interference, make sure the machine running with high dynamic, energy efficient and low cost.