特点:切片机采用格拉塞利多刀片切片系统,可完美平行切片。-切片能力高达2000公斤/小时,视产品尺寸而定。-带骨或无骨鲜肉切片(最低厚度:2.5毫米无骨;带骨10毫米)。也可以在-4/-5摄氏度的冷冻肉皮)。- BI版分段产品压下系统,用于切割带骨肉。-切割新鲜的骨头产品,不会造成潜在的危险的骨头碎片或碎片。-切片速度、切片室高度、产品控制压力均可调。-非常多功能的机器与各种切片选择不同类型的产品。-可根据客户要求定制解决方案(即具有不同切割厚度的切片腔)。 - Variety of blade profiles to maximize performance. - Outfeed belt with NSF certification. - Unique automatic blade tension system (available upon request). - Automatic self lubrication system. - Optional QUICK BLADE CHANGE system to change the complete cutting set in just minutes. (the automatic blade tension system is indispensable) - All major dynamic components are heat-treated to extend durability. - Modern design with seamless welding and radiys edges to aid in efficient sanitation. - Frame made entirely of tested and certificated stainless steel. - No tools required to prepare for sanitation, or blade/slice set change.