概述一个全新的、低噪声永磁电机允许舒适点范围的能源消耗降低至5 - 8.5 W。结合智能AUTOADAPT函数建立新标准在私人住宅节能热水循环。多亏了新的高效永磁电机的舒适范围现在特性两个热水循环的新变种。能源使用的只有5 - 8.5 W AUTOADAPT安慰泵和固定速度安慰B泵可以显著降低功耗。事实上,在AUTOADAPT运营模式的电力成本需要每年仅1 - 2€*。相比传统水泵连续运行这个等于96%的成本降低。此外,热节能高达48%。AUTOADAPT原则的原则AUTOADAPT函数非常简单。在只有几周安慰泵热水消费模式的家庭和学习适应它。存储的数据确保泵在需要时只运行——大幅削减对水、电的浪费。 Should the consumption pattern change, e.g. during holidays, the COMFORT pump with recognises the standstill after 24 hours and automatically adapts to holiday mode. On the return of the occupants, the intelligent pump will automatically resume the same consumption pattern as before the holiday. Consequently, the access to instantly hot water is never jeopardised.